Download Nvivo
NVivo 12 Pro is designed specifically to support deep levels of data analysis, helping you to achieve better research outcomes. NVivo 12 Pro gives you a place to organize, store and retrieve your data so you can work more efficiently, save time and rigorously back up findings with evidence. Click the downloads button (See Figure 3). Click the NVivo11.exe installer file (See Figure 3). Figure 3 - Download NVivo11.exe 6. The NVivo 11 - InstallShield Wizard window appears to allow you to select the language for installation. The new NVivo has a cleaner, simpler interface, with a modern look. It includes a new Modules tab, for cloud-based add-ons, a toolbar in the Detail View for convenient access to coding commands, an improved code selection dialog box for right-click coding, and a new code panel (see below). Using the link provided, download NVivo 11 for Windows (64-bit). Double-click on the NVivo installer and follow the on-screen installation instructions. Complete the license activation fields during installation. Once the installation is complete, launch NVivo. Enter the NViv0 11 product key. After logging in, you will be taken to your account home screen. Click on Download NVivo in the upper-left, then click on NVivo 12 for Windows (or for Mac) under the Download Older Versions of NVivo section. Note: If you install the the 'current' version of NVivo, our license will not work. Install the software by running the downloaded file.
Statistical Analysis
Software Licence: NVivo
Qualitative analysis software
- Type of Licence:
University Owned Machines
This licence is centrally funded. There will be no recharge to Schools for installation on University-owned machines.

Contact the IT Service Desk for installation.
- Please complete the application form.
Staff and Students' Personal Machines

Personal copies of this software are available to registered members of staff and students for installation on their own machines for University-related activity whilst they are members of the University. After you have completed the application form, the activation code and download link will be sent to your University email address.
Download Nvivo 12 Free
- Please complete the application form.
Important Information
Unfortunately the current agreement does not cover usage in our overseas campus locations because of existing contractual obligations in place for NVivo in the Asia Pacific, Australasia and Japan region.
MAC Users : NVivo 11 does not work with Mac Sierra – either when someone installs Nvivo new or when they upgrade their Mac to Sierra running an old Nvivo version. Therefore MAC users who want to run Nvivo 11 on Sierra need to install this additional file to ensure they can save/open any files.

NVivo 12 Pro for Windows
Download Nvivo Software Free
- Download for Faculty/Staff
Download for Students
- Download for Faculty/Staff
Download for Student

NVivo 12 for Mac (Supports Apple’s M1 Processor Chip)
- Download for Faculty/Staff
Download for Students
In order to successfully install NVivo, you will need the USC license key. Click the button below to download this key:

Download Nvivo 10
- Download License Key (Faculty/Staff)
Download License Key (Student)
For information on installing and using NVivo to analyze data, see
Who Can Access This Software
Faculty, staff, and students
NVivo is a qualitative data analysis (QDA) computer software package designed for qualitative researchers working with very rich text-based and/or multimedia information, where deep levels of analysis on small or large volumes of data are required.