
  • Get PHStat homework help with one-sample t-tests online
  • Descriptive statistics explained by our PHStat tutors
  • Expert PHStat assignment help with hypothesis testing

How to install the PHStat add-in to Excel 2016 and avoid common mistakes. PHStat is a great addition to Excel for intro statistics and quantitative analysis. View PHStat from QMB 3250 at University of Florida. Randomized Block Design (ANOVA: Two-Factor Without Replication) SUMMARY Count Sum Average Variance SS df MS F ANOVA Source of Variation P-value F.

Get PHStat homework help with one-sample t-tests online

Since we are supposed to test the mean diameters of brakes in each sample, we will first split the file based on eight production machines which will be selected from Data>Split file and the split file menu that opens is as follows:
Once we have entered the split variable “machine number” and selected the “compare groups” option, we click Ok, and then we proceed to test the hypothesis if the high-performance automobiles for each production machine produce disc brakes that must measure 322 millimeters in diameter. It is done as follows:
We use the one-sample t-test to test the value of each sample for 322 millimeters and press OK.Mastering the basics of one sample t-test can be a difficult task for students especially those who are just getting started with statistics. We provide PHStat homework help with this topic so that students who have trouble grasping the underlying concepts gain the understanding they need to ace the topic and complete any assignment issued from here effectively. Many students buy Phstat3PHStat homework solutions from us whenever they encounter problems dealing with papers in this area, and thanks to our robust team of experts, we are able to deliver high-quality work every single time.

Descriptive statistics explained by our PHStat tutors

Descriptive statisticsPhstat

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Machine NumberMeanStd. DeviationtSig. (2-tailed)
The results for the descriptive statistics for the diameters of the brakes for eight production machines are presented in table 1. It can be seen that the mean diameter for machine number 1 (M=321.9985, SD=0.0111), machine number 3 (M=321.9983, SD=0.0105), machine number 4 (M=321.9954, SD=0.00699) and machine number 8 (M=321.9967, SD=0.0077) was lower than 322 diameters whereas the mean diameter for machine number 2 (M=322.0143, SD=0.0107), machine number 5 (M=322.0042, SD=0.0092), machine number 6 (M=322.0025, SD=0.0086) and machine number 7 (M=322.0062, SD=0.0093) was larger than 322 diameters.
For professional help with assignments derived from descriptive statistics, liaise with our PHStat experts.

We also have a team of PHStat tutors who can help you understand the concepts covered in this area better.

Expert PHStat assignment help with hypothesis testing

To see if the mean diameter is significantly different from 322 millimeters at 95% confidence intervals, a p-value of the t-stat is analyzed. If the p-value of the t-stat is smaller than 0.05 at 95% CI, we reject the null hypothesis. But if the p-value of the t-stat is larger than 0.05, we cannot reject the null hypothesis. Thus, we can see that the p-value of machine numbers 2, 4, and 7 is lower than 0.05, concluding that there exists a statistically significant difference in the mean diameter of these machines from 322 millimeters. Furthermore, it can be seen that for machine number 2 and machine number 7, the mean diameter is significantly larger than 322 millimeters while for machine number 4, the mean diameter is significantly smaller than 322 millimeters. However, for the remaining machines i.e. machine number 1, 3, 5, 6, and 8, the p-value of the t-stat is larger than 0.05, concluding that there exists no statistically significant difference in the mean diameter of these machines from 322 millimeters.

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Students looking for help with hypothesis testing tasks can always contact us for professional PHStat assignment help. We are reputed for delivering outstanding PHStat assignment solutions that add value to students’ academic performance.

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Please Use The Program PhStat!!!

there will be a file you can download ( PHStat.xlam PHStat.xlam )if you do not have PhStat, and also another file to show you how to use PhStat to get the answers. ( Ph Stat Handout 2016.pdf )



Hw9 has the questions so you can answer the data. I will have to email that to you

– everything else should be pretty straight forward in the excel spreadsheet it shows and tells you exactly what to do. – the file for this assignment is hw9 .xlsx.Do not do more than is asked please.

Townes.HW1.xlsx will show you the The Correct way on how to answer and submit this assignment, so you could take a look at that to help how to format to answer the questions.

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