Nbt Edit

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Justin Aquadro


Graphical NBT Editor


Windows, Mac, Linux (With use of Mono)

Forum Post

NBTExplorer is a low-level graphical NBT (Named Binary Tag) data editor for Minecraft. With a directory-tree interface for easily exploring multiple worlds, and support for the latest NBT standard, NBTExplorer is built on top of Substrate. Almost all things in a map in any Minecraft version is built with NBT, so you can usually change the datas for the newest version without updating NBTExplorer.

Easiest way is to brew one potion of any type and place it in your inventory in slot 1 so it is easy to find. Open NBTedit, locate the potion and change the tags under CustomPotionEffects. You need to set Id, Amplifier and Duration. Id for each effect can be found here.

  1. NBTExplorer is a low-level graphical NBT (Named Binary Tag) data editor for Minecraft. With a directory-tree interface for easily exploring multiple worlds, and support for the latest NBT standard, NBTExplorer is built on top of Substrate.
  2. EASY NBT EDITOR. Edit all the data stored in your world quickly and easily with the most intuitive NBT editor available.


NBT tags control every world parameter, such as ender chest items, player's inventory, gamemode, whether the world is Hardcore or not and many other things. NBTExplorer can be used to view and change data, with uses including:

Changing level.dat, including but not only
  • Locate in-game structures;
  • Add or change items, and adding enchantments;
  • Access to the world seed;
  • Changing gamerules without usage of the /gamerule command or new gamerule changer built in when creating a world;
  • Applying custom formatting to world or server names;
  • Change the world's name;
  • Change the players game mode, health, position and so on. For example, if the player is in an 'illegal area' and can't teleport back with /tp, this function can change the player's position.
  • Change the settings for terrain generation, while it doesn't affect the generated chunks;
Changing regions and chunks, including but not only
  • Change the biomes for chunks;
  • Change the mob datas or delete mobs. For example, if there are too many entities resulting in crashes, this can delete the mobs;
  • Change the block entity data. Including command blocks, chests, signs and so on.
  • Cheats ON

Compatible Formats[edit]

  • Standard NBT files (e.g. level.dat)
  • Schematic files
  • Uncompressed NBT files (e.g. idcounts.dat)
  • Minecraft region files (*.mcr)
  • Minecraft anvil files (*.mca)
  • Cubic Chunks region files


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What is NBT Explorer?
NBTExplorer is a graphical NBT Editor based on NBTEdit. The differences between NBTEdit and NBTExplorer are that NBTExplorer is fully compatible with minecraft's region files, it has a dropdown directory-tree interface for ease of usage, and it offers support for the latest NBT Standard. NBTExplorer is also built on top of Substrate.
Why and when should I use NBT Explorer?
You should use NBT Explorer when you need to attempt to solve any ticking issues without creating a new world. You would use NBT Explorer to generate a crash report. In your crash report, you will get something like this:
-- Entity being ticked --
Entity Type: null (net.minecraft.client.entity.EntityClientPlayerMP)
Entity ID: 882
Entity Name: TheObster
Entity's Exact location: -432.64, 66.62, 1002.98
Entity's Block location: World: (-433,66,1002), Chunk: (at 15,4,10 in -28,62; contains blocks -448,0,992 to -433,255,1007), Region: (-1,1; contains chunks -32,32 to -1,63, blocks -512,0,512 to -1,255,1023)
Entity's Momentum: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
at net.minecraft.world.World.func_72939_s(World.java:2157)

If your crash report does show this, then the problem is already solved. See below for explanation.
How to use NBTExplorer



Step 1. Download your world folder from the FTP. (For help, use our article on FTP File Access.)
Step 2. Download NBTExplorer from here.
Step 3. Unzip NBTExplorer and open it.
Step 4. Click on File -> Open Folder, then search for the world folder you downloaded, and open it.
Step 5. Now that you opened NBT Explorer, and your world, click on Search -> Chunk Finder. You have this part from the Crash Report 'Chunk: at 15,4,10 in -28,62', and also this one ' Region: -1,1'. Now, the numbers that interest us are '-28,62' and '-1,1'. -28 and 62 refer to the chunk the entity is in, and -1,1 refer to the region.
Step 6. In the chunk finder, put in the region X and Z the two numbers from region, in this case, -1 and 1, and the Chunk X and Z, in this case, -28 and 62. Now click on Find Chunk.
Step 7. The chunk's folder should open. Double click on Level, and then do the same for TileEntities. You will have a list of entities. Open each one, until the X, Y and Z coordinates match with the ones from the Entity's Exact Location, in this case -432.64, 66.62 and 1002.98. When you find it, simply delete it, and reupload the world to your server.
If you need any assistance, please feel free to contact our support team and we will assist you as much as we can.