Install Gdb For Mac Sierra Scanner Internet Archive HTML5 Uploader 1.6.4 Year 2016. Plus-circle Add Review. Reviews There are no reviews yet. For test purpose only, I created a batch to create Mac OS Sierra on VirtualBox on Windows 10. Not often but sometimes, I need to do some test on Mac OS. Hi guys, I tried to install gdb on my OS X Lion (10.7), but I couldn't. I downloaded gdb and when I try to run configure, it doesn't work, it appears: new-host:gdb-7.4 lorota$./configure.

MacOS / Mac OS X » macOS Sierra - Debugging not working Free Pascal Website Downloads Wiki Bugtracker Mailing List Lazarus Website Downloads (Laz+FPC). After I executed ps aux grep taskgated and then killed it with sudo kill -9 xxx just after step 11, gdb worked for me on Sierra 10.12.6, without restarting Mac. Seemed like taskgated was not shut properly by simply typing killall taskgated.

There are two ways you can install GDB on your linux machine.

1. Install pre-built gdb binaries from verified distribution resources

You can install gdb on Debian-based linux distro (e.g. Ubuntu, Mint, etc) by following command.$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install gdb

2. Download source code of GDB, compile it and install.

Follow below mentioned steps to compile GDB from scratch and install it.

Step-1: Download source code.
You can download source code of all release from
$ wget ''

Step-2: Extract it
$ tar -xvzf gdb-7.11.tar.gz

Step-3: Configure and Compile it.
$ cd gdb-7.11
gdb-7.11$ ./configure
gdb-7.11$ make
This step will take a bit of time. So you can sit back and have cup of coffee for a while.
Once it is completed, you can locate gdb binary located at gdb-7.11/gdb/gdb

Step-4: Install GDB.
$ make install By default this will install gdb binaries in /usr/local/bin and libs in /usr/local/lib
Congratulation, you have successfully compiled and installed GDB.

Once you installed GDB, you can print GDB version to test whether it is installed correctly.$ gdb --version

There comes a time when you want to step through your code, and breakpoints become useful. If you’re a PHP developer you reach out for Xdebug for example or it’s even built into some languages like recent versions of Python.

For many languages, the tool to reach to is gdb (GNU Project Debugger) it supports a wide range of languages including C++ and in my case Rust.

Indeed its as close to “official” debugger as you can get for Rust to the point the official install of rust has a rust-gdb wrapper to prettify the output. So installing it will be easy right?

it’s surely just

Well that certainly gets you a binary… not a working binary at least not today (Late April 2019)

Compiling from (the right) source

Hopefully, this will get fixed, but installing from Homebrew and even after code signing it (more on that later) resulted in the error:

When trying to actually run within gdb, lot’s of Googling and much head scratching it appears, that the version of source that Homebrew is using has a couple of bugs in it. This isn’t Homebrew fault, rather an issue with upstream.

So compiling from source using the latest 8.2.1 which at the time was the most recent release was my next step, and like Homebrew it also failed (which makes sense as that’s the same source they would be using).

Next up was to go bleeding edge… yep no dice, that didn’t even compile

So after looking through issues, it appears the issue was patched a little bit after 8.2.1 was released which was December 2018. Looking to early 2019 there was a series of 8.2.50 commits, before moving to 8.3 so in the end, I took a punt on the Feb 26th Snapshot the actual snapshot I used was.

From there it was pretty simple:

Important (I think) I have GCC 8 setup by default via Homebrew

Several folks have mentioned in various threads about compiler failures. As I already use GCC I have no idea if those are historic issues or not.

By default we now end up with gdb installed into:

So that’s the end of the story right….

Creating a code signing certificate

Install Gdb Mac High Sierra

Regardless of how you get a binary, before you can get it working you need to get a certificate and associate it with the binary to allow code signing otherwise you get

Creating a new certificate isn’t particularly complicated:

  • Open up Keychain Access
  • Select Certificate Assistant -> Create a Certificate
  • give it a name gdb-cert, type is self-signed root and Certificate Type is Code Signing. Finally, tick the Let me override defaults (this is important)
  • It will warn you, you are about to create a certificate (because this might have been a shock) click continue
  • For serial number and validity length, you can leave as, or change. then click continue
  • The other certificate information can be left blank and just click continue
  • 2048 Key size and Algorithm RSA which should be defaults just click continue
  • Next 3 you can just click Continue
  • Specify a Location, make sure you choose the Keychain option of System
Install gdb for mac sierra update

With a certificate created, restart the machine. Yes there are other ways to do this, but trust me its just easier to restart and be sure everything is working.

Right with a certificate we need to apply it to the binary, first of create an entitlements file, this is an XML file that shows associated permissions you want to grant the binary.

With the file saved (in my case as gdb.xml) then the final setup is:

Ok surprisingly at this stage it’s working and you can start using gdb on MacOS congrats.

Few Gotchas

Ok assuming you found this after some Googling, you might reach the end of the above steps and run gdb think everything is going fine and it hangs with a message something like:

Install Gdb For Mac Sierra Download

If this is you, then edit your ~/.gdbinit file to not include the line:

Chances are like me you added this early on in your trying to get things working, as it was announced in several places as a potential fix. I’m not actually sure why it doesn’t work and it may work for you. I’m slightly suspicious that it might be due to using ZSH but removing the line solved the issue for me, so I dug no further.

While trying to get things working at some point you might have run in which case I would recommend as there is no reason to enable it.

Couple of other things to consider, if you haven’t already make sure you uninstalled gdb via Homebrew if you installed that way, or it’s likely to relink at some point causing chaos.

Install Gdb For Mac Sierra Update

Also, that certificate you generated, will expire…
So you might want to make a note on how you made it and put in your diary to renew or it’s going to confuse the hell out of you next year.

The last gotcha is more of a comment and specific to Rust, when debugging something built from cargo it leaves an almighty mess, with lots of references to missing files and being unable to read symbols. This doesn’t seem to affect anything other than adding to any warnings your code might actually have. Using rustc -g didn’t come with such gumph but also is way less convenient so for now, I’m just going to live with it.

So there we have it, how to install a 30-year-old workhorse tool that has probably been installed on thousands if not millions of machines. Yet due to a combination of MacOS tightened security, some weird rabbit holes caused back with High Sierra and a couple of bugs in the 8.2.1 source has caused more than a little headache for me.