Gt4 Ps2 Save Game
Gt4 Ps2 Save Game Code
Gran Turismo 4 ISO PS2+Save Game 100% Gran Turismo 4 adalah game simulasi balapan yang realistis untuk PS2,game ini dinobatkan sebagai game dengan visualisasi terbaik.Download game Gran Turismo 4 PS2 ISO dengan link Google Drive dan Highly Compressed,game ini bisa dimainkan di Hardisk PS2 atau mainkan di PC/laptop dengan menggunakan Emulator PCSX2. You need a newer OPL. There was an issue with DVD-DL games for a long time, which was only resolved a few months ago. For some of them like God of War 2 it wouldn't be obvious until a certain point in the game, but GT4 loads something from the second layer right at the start. Before I get started, yes, I own GT4 and a PS2 - but since I mostly game on my computer, I didn't wanna get out my PS2. So long story short, here I am playing GT4 and suddenly my savegame got corrupted. Which is rather annoying considering I was at around 30% with almost all gold licences. The thing is, I still have the internal save state of.

You can use wuLaunchElf to transfer it on a memory card.

Gt4 Ps2 Save Game Download Average ratng: 5,7/10 9102votes Well, as Duck4coveR said, in MegaUpload you have to insert the confirmation code at the top, and then wait 40 secs for the download link to appear. Once you have the savegame, you copy it to a pendrive or a Memory Stick inside the folder EXPORT, which should be inside the folder PS3. After loading your Gran Turismo 3 game credits (110,000 credits) and A and B licenses into your Gran Turismo 4 game save, go to Tuner Village in the lower left hand corner of the main menu. Select HPA Motorsports and buy the VW Golf look-alike.
This is how you get game saves:
- Go to
- Click on the first letter of the title you want
(if i want a game save of Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater, then I would click on the letter M). - Scroll down the list until you found the game you want.
- Click on 'Save' in the right
(NOTE: If it doesn't say 'Save', then that means they don't have the save file. Sorry). - Find the game save you want, and click on 'Save Game File'
(WARNING: Make sure the game save you want is the same region your game is.
A European game save will not work with an North America game.) - And it should download automatically.

Gt4 Ps2 Save Game Download

here is an another version: