Equilab Poker

Equilab is used to calculate your equity (statistical chance of wining a hand). So you can put in 2 different hands and calculate you equity. And you can also put your hand against range of hands. Range is a term used to describe group of possible hands. Equilab, Free Download by PokerStrategy. Equilab gives you the ability to analyze the equity against a range of hands. Equilab is a poker hand range equity calculator, which means it’s software that calculates the chance that a given range of hands will win against another range of hands. This is useful for evaluating hand histories, but it’s also a great tool for other things, such as: Counting combinations of hands in a range.

Equilab Key Features

Equilab is one of the most popular and reliable equity poker calculators available on the Web. Using this program, you can more accurately calculate your chances of hitting the pot in various game situations. Equilab allows analyzing equity against a specific hand or a range of hands. Moreover, owing to various filters, you have a perfect chance to check out your equity in a particular gaming scenario.

Therefore, analyzing equity figures properly allows deducing your success in any situation at the poker table. The program is easy to use and to navigate. The intuitive interface and simple design allow mastering Equilab with maximum ease and speed.

Equilab poker
  • The Power-Equilab is an advanced equity calculator. It combines all the best features of other common equity and analysis tools on the market in one application. In contrast to almost all other known poker tools, the Power-Equilab can handle not only heads up scenarios. All subtools in the Power-Equilab can handle multiway scenarios as well.
  • Basically, equity means your chance of winning a pot in a given situation. The PokerStrategy.com Equilab can analyse the range of hands an opponent will likely hold in a given situation, then provide you with equity figures so you can deduce the profitability of any given situation. Download the PokerStrategy.com Equilab now for free.

Moreover, the Equilab macapp helps to calculate your equity on the go.


How to use Equilab?

Equity in poker is the bank share, which hypothetically belongs to the player, depending on his/her chance to hit the jackpot. In simple words, equity in poker means whether you have chances to win in a particular situation. Therefore, the correct calculation of equity percentage is a key point in the analysis of any hand or range of hands. We have already made sure that Equilab perfectly copes with this task.

The developer of poker Equilab software, PokerStrategy.com, has included all the necessary tools for equity analysis in the lobby. That is, understanding equity correctly will prevent you from making additional bets in a purposely losing situation.

Please note that this program cannot be used during the poker game itself, as you simply will not have enough time to play and use Equilab simultaneously.

But the bottom line is that Equilab does not need to be used during the game itself. Experienced regulars use it to analyze hands after the game to check the actual probability of winning.

Where to download Equilab?

Equilab has been developed by PokerStrategy experts. Equilab app can be downloaded for free from the official site of Pokerstrategy.com or our site.

Equilab takes up little disk space and can be installed within 30 seconds.

Equilab Interface Overview

Getting started with Equilab is trouble-free. The main program window allows calculating equity using various filters. To do this, enter the hand range of at least two players. After setting the necessary filters, click the “Evaluate” button.

The equity percentage is displayed next to each player’s hand.

It is easy to use the Equilab interface. Four categories are available in the main menu. These are File, View, Tools, and Help. In the File category, you can save or load the desired file.

Let’s go through the rest of the Equilab menu items.


In the View menu, you can choose which parameters to add or remove in the main window of the Equilab poker app. The following options are available:

  • Short-handed;
  • Dead cards;
  • Results.

If you don’t need certain parameters to analyze the hand range, you can turn them off at any time.


There are four subcategories in the Equilab Tools menu. Let’s briefly describe each of them.

Scenario Analyzer

Here you can calculate the potential outcome of your equity postflop. This tool analyzes all probable cards that you can get on turn or river, and gives out a potential equity percentage. In the “Scenario Analyzer” menu, select your hand and the opponent’s hand, as well as flop cards. Moreover, you can filter by cards of a certain suit by clicking them in the upper right part of the chart.

After you have entered all the necessary data, click “Analyze turn cards.” As a result, you will see equity for each of the cards that may come on the turn. If you want to get river equity results, add a turn card and select “Analyze river cards.”

Equity Trainer

This tool will help to improve your equity skills by participating in various quizzes. You can also create different hand ranges as you wish.


When you are ready, click “Start Training”. Enter the equity value in the “Estimated equity” field, based on the layout of your hands, the range of your opponent’s hands and flop cards.

When you have entered equity, compare it with the result by clicking the “Result” button. When you want to finish the current training session, click the “Final Results” button. You will get a complete overview of your training.

Hand range calculator

This Power Equilab equity calculator will help you to estimate the hand range with minimal equity quickly.

Hand history

This tool displays the entire history of hand equity analysis that you have performed while using Equilab.


If you have questions about using Equilab, you can go to the Help section of the program menu and switch to the Support forum.

You will be automatically redirected to the Support forum page on Pokerstrategy.com. There you will find plenty of various threads with discussions.

You can search for answers in existing threads or create a new one.

Equity Calculation Methods

The ability to instinctively calculate hand equity is an important skill for a successful poker player. There are two ways to calculate equity: Enumerate All and Monte Carlo. The first method is perfect for simple calculations when only two players are involved. The second one is for three or more players.

  • Enumerate All method carefully analyzes each given situation at the table. The program makes up the following proportion for the most correct calculation: the total number of hands against the won hands.
  • Monte Carlo uses the method of large numbers. By generating a large number of random variants, the calculation of hand equity is approaching the correct one. If there are more than three players at the table, it will take too much time to calculate all likely results.

Therefore, in Monte Carlo, a certain sample is taken as the basis for equity calculation. The error, in this case, is very small and does not affect the correct assessment of chances.

To achieve real poker results, we recommend making friends with Equilab.

Install it and practice it daily on your PC or use Equilab for mac to know equity from any place you wish. Select different hands and analyze the equity results.


Equilab poker software allows calculating the probability of winning in certain situations. Do not forget that in 99% of games you will not be able to use Equilab during the game itself.

It is best to use this tool to evaluate your hands after the game to understand whether you correctly assessed the situation during the game. You can download the program for free on the software developer website PokerStrategy.com or PokerBroz.com.

After spending only a couple of hours to understand how Equilab works, it is desirable to continue using Equilab to sharpen your poker skills and increase your income from the game.

I think it’s time to give the PokerStrategy Equilab software a proper review. I used to use PokerStove but I switched to Equilab as I think it has a few edges on the former and is more well made. Equilab suits the beginniner, intermediate and proficient poker players really well. It has got me to understand a lot of situations and I have spent countless hours in it, either calculating spots in hands that I thought at the time were close, or learning about certain ranges’ equity in different spots. As a coach I also use it to make ranges for my students in an easy to read format that saves them time. Finally, a really nice feature of the software is that it has an equity trainer which you probably didn’t know about!
All in all, I think this is a really good piece of software and that’s why I’m writing this article. The hours put into the study of hands that seem really close will improve your game as a poker player to the next level. Let me show you some interesting things that you can do with it:

Fast equity calculations - key to poker success

Whenever you need to study a hand as intrinsically as possible, the equity calculator is exactly where you need to go. Equilab saved me a lot of time because I could not only select hands from the range by clicking them, I could actually drag the mouse while holding left click and select a wide array of hands, just like playing Snake.

Pre-defined hand ranges

are the predefined hand ranges. I was delighted to see this when I first started to try out this software several years ago, because it saves you a lot of time by assigning default ranges to opponents, ranges that were presented by several respectable coaching sites, so they’re legit, made by actual poker players/coaches. No 30% BTN! Have a look see:
This is a ShortHanded(SH) Loose opening range, and you can select a lot more, they just save time because if you want to assign a certain range to a player that opens from the button aggressively, you don’t have to put in all the hands that he’d steal with, you just have to assign a Loose, Tight or Standard raise.
Another way to do this is by using the slider and assigning his exact steal % rom the BTN, so if he steals 50% and it’s a solid stat because you have a lot of hands on the guy, you can easily see what hands that amounts to. In the Power Equilab version that can be found here (you can download a free trial to test it out), you can actually select the Hand ranking table that you want, and there’s some really useful ones there. So basically, when you use the slider to make up 50% of the range, it’s gonna use the top 50% hands in that range table.

Let's construct a range

Let me show you how to easily construct a range here. Of course, usually we keep either the Sklansky-Malmuth groups, or the Equity vs Random 1 hand, because that’s supposed to be the best, right ? Well, let’s say if you’re UTG in a 9-max FR game, and you’re thinking you want to construct your opening range for this position. Would it not make sense to take the hand ranking table for “Equity vs 8 random hands”? It most definitely would, you’re right on track. So, after selecting the table, just click on OK and now it’s time to decide how much do we need to open from UTG? Are we playing soft games or will our opponents be 3-bet bluffing us a lot with blockers? Let’s try to put in 12% opening range UTG.
There we go! Although I don’t recommend raising ATo as part of your 12% UTG opening range, it’s better against 8 randoms than, let’s say, A7s. It makes sense because it’s blocker heavy and as long as you don’t go overboard with it, everything will be fine and dandy. I’d actually take it out and raise all pairs instead because we just get so much respect raising UTG in 9-max and a lot of folds to C-bets, so when you get called, most of the time with ATo you’re way behind, but with pairs when you get a set, you’re unbeatable most of the time.
You can also use weights in this, for example if you want to assign to a villain that he might be 3-betting 50% of the time KQo you can just use the weight function. This is also only available in the Power Equilab version.

Equity Trainer - Real Scenarios

Going forward, I promised I’d show you the Equity Trainer and I think this is really beneficial to a poker player’s understanding of preflop situations, and if you do this often enough, you’ll see that this will expand your horizons. You’ll start raising more, you’ll start 3-betting a lot looser and fear opponents that open especially from late positions a lot less.
Let me give you an example on how this works. This is not only for No Limit Hold’em, but for Fixed Limit and Sit’n’Go and implicitly MTT’s also.

Equilab Poker Calculator

Here you select exactly what equity situations you want to train in:
Let’s take for example No Limit Big blind defense vs BU open-raise. This is imperative to be known by heart, because it’s a real eye-opener to the amount you should be defending your blinds and the ranges you need to do this with. Here’s an example:
The button opening range is assigned by default, but you can change it to your needs.

Equilab Poker Omaha

I almost got it! So you see, K9o is really very close to 50% against the BTN’s opening range. So why not 3-bet it? It could get you into a pickle if you get called, but you can find other hands like A3s and K8s to be fairly similar in equity and easier/better to play postflop in 3-bet pots.
If you also want to play it cool like you’re using FlopZilla, you can check the Flop/Turn/River boxes and fair your knowledge of K9 for example on a T73 board. You’ll be super surprised of the results and how often you’re ahead, and if your opponent has a bad habit of C-betting a lot, you can just reverse-float OOP and maybe take it away on later streets, OR raise him because you’re getting an insane amount of folds.
Another really useful thing here that shed a lot of light on my poker math was the Poker mathematics tool, where you just type in the numbers and it magically gives you the solution, using the formulas that are also displayed below. Let’s try to calculate the fold frequency that we need when opening 2x from the BTN, which we just do by entering the numbers in the Fold Frequency screen:
This is a really powerful tool, because it allows you to read opponent’s stats and then, if you know these numbers by heart, evaluate the spots in which you can raise ATC(Any Two Cards), or ~80% of your range to exploit your opponents and win a lot of money in the long run by just stealing his blinds a lot and not going overboard postflop. The software goes a lot further than that, offering a lot of choices, as you can read all the tabs above. I personally like Facing 3bet, but I’ll let you guys discover that one on your own. It’s a game changer!
  • Heatmaps
  • Equity Graphs
  • Scenario Analyzer
  • Playabilities
  • Import Hand History


  • Download PowerEquilab free here.