Bird Breeding Software

We created and use AviManage, a Windows program designed specifically for maintaining the records of a large number of birds. AviManage lets you add records for each bird, track breeding performance, map out genealogical relationships, attach images and notes, track the sale of birds, and much more. AviManage is free up to 20 birds. This is a model of a selective breeding program of birds (or dragons). In the scenario presented in the model the user assumes the role of a bird breeder, whose goal is breed a line of 'fancy' looking birds or a specific type of dragon through managing a selective breeding program.

  1. Bird Breeding Software Free
  2. Bird Breeding Software

SmartBird is a poultry farm management online app for both the commercial poultry farmer and small scale backyard poultry keeper. Track production, management and finances of your poultry farm. Keep track of eggs collected, bird weight, feed, vaccinations and treatments, mortality, income and expenses and much more

SmartBird Poultry Manager


Simple, easy to understand, straight to the point

Poultry Management Records

Keep track of all management activities on your poultry farm. Helps you keep track on production. At a glance you can tell when things go wrong, so that you can make corrections and keep on the right track.

Poultry Production Records

Record your daily production, whether in egg collection or broiler weight gain. Get graphical reports on improvements or decrease in production. This information you will be able to forecast productivity

Poultry Financial Records

Keep track of your daily, weekly, monthly and annual expenses, income and profits. This will include direct costs and indirect costs.

Bird Breeding Software Free

Maximize on

Enter your daily production records into SmartBird Poultry Manager. Track any decline in productivity daily, so as to make a correction, ensuring you reach your goals


Bird Breeding Software

Bird Breeding Software

SmartBird is free to use at the moment. We will be updating on pricing later. We intend to keep the Free package free