Assembly Gui Programming

  1. Assembly language is a low-level programming language for a computer, or other programmable device specific to a particular computer architecture in contrast to most high- level programming languages, which are generally portable across multiple systems.
  2. Assembly language is not so widely used as most of the programming is done in high-level languages. However, Assembly language is as close to the microprocessor you can get as a programmer. Assembly language provides the programmer complete control over the resources of the system and helps amplify the performance and efficiency of the system.

When building a GUI with assembly, you'll be working directly with the windowing system of the operating system you are compiling for. For Windows, that the Windows API. For Linux, X Window System (X11) is probably the most popular, though there are others. My question is, is. Every higher level programming language ultimately gets compiled down to assembly language or machine code. Ipso facto, graphics programming could be done in assembly. Whether or not you would want to is another matter.

Gui programming language

Question or issue on macOS:

I’d like to know how can I do a simple assembly program for Mac OS X that shows a window on the screen and put some coloured text on that window. The code may call some Carbon or Cocoa APIs. I need some code for the nasm sintaxe.

I saw in–hello-world the next code that works fine, but it´s not graphic.

Thanks for any help


How to solve this problem?

Solution no. 1:

Assembly Gui ProgrammingJava gui programming example

This is not Carbon as requested in the comments in the previous answers, but it may help you get a step further ahead in your noble pursuit:

Solution no. 2:

You can call Carbon APIs with call like this:

You can pass arguments also, but I’m unsure how to do that. Probably pushed onto the stack in reversed order just before the call:

Assembly Gui Programming Tutorial

You can look in how you C code compiles into assembly, like this:

Assembly Gui Programming Tutorial

Hope this helps!