A Good Outline Ofr A Persuasive Speech

When a student is asked to complete a persuasive essay, he is often puzzled and stressed, because this type of an assignment has its peculiarities and differences from most of other essays. Imagine that you are a lawyer in front of a jury and you need to make them believe you. You occupy a certain position and build a thoughtful and strong argumentation to persuade the audience.

A persuasive speech outline is of great use to people who want to speak in front of an audience. This article shows how to write a persuasive speech outline. Download Persuasive Speech Outline. SAMPLE PERSUASIVE SPEECH OUTLINE (Motivated Sequence) by: Erin Solomon (Fall 1998) Topic: Organ Donation Specific Purpose: To persuade my audience to donate their organs and tissues when they die and to act upon their decision to donate. Thesis Statement: The need is constantly growing for organ donors and it is very simple to be an organ donor when you die. 3 minute persuasive speech examples. This article will give you examples of good persuasive speech topics, you will get an idea what persuasive speech is and how to structure it. So, let’s move on.

This is how writing a persuasive essay looks like. Your main goal is to convince the audience to accept your ideas or change their own mind on the topic. Such essay is based on a quality research and understanding of all the pros and cons of the chosen topic. You need not only to present your own thoughts in a clear way but also to explain why your opponents are wrong.

Actually, knowing how to write a persuasive essay is an important skill for students of various specialties. You can find persuasive instruments in speeches of politicians, video commercials, newspapers and all sorts of blogs. That is why mastering such an important type of essay will give you a chance to succeed in a class, forget about the fear of public performances and be able to debate with other students or opponents.

A persuasive essay should follow a common pattern if you want it to be readable and clear. Don’t forget to include the following elements to your paper:

  • Introduction. When writing the first section, you need to remember that it is the first thing the reader sees, so make sure you are interesting to read. Include various facts, statistics, quotes of famous people or a joke (if appropriate) to grab interest of the audience. Don’t forget to include a thesis statement, which should explain the main idea of the topic and your position on the subject;
  • Main paragraphs. Depending on the number of arguments you have, you need to form your body paragraphs. They should start with the main argument, which is followed with supportive elements and evidence. Ask your teacher in advance how many paragraphs you need to include, because usually the size of such an essay is strictly regulated;
  • Conclusion. The final section of your essay should contain all the conclusions you have made along the way. Don’t forget to make predictions for the future and remind the reader why your arguments should be accepted.

Here are the main mistakes students complete, when writing a persuasive essay:

  • Choosing a wrong topic. If you can select the topic on your own, you have a great advantage! Choosing a topic you like will greatly help you along the way and you will be able to find more information even when you have no energy left;
  • Forgetting about a persuasive essay outline. Writing an outline is crucial if you want your essay to have a clear and understandable structure. Write a short plan of the future work and make a list of all the elements you want to discuss;
  • Weak argumentation. Unlike a descriptive or narrative essay, which are based on your subjective opinion, a persuasive essay should be backed with clear arguments and reliable sources. Devote enough time to read all the possible books or publications on your topic and it will make your arguments clear and valuable;
  • Sounding not reliable. You need to be an expert in the field to be able to persuade the audience. Make sure you devote enough time to completing a research and understanding the subject;
  • Not spending enough time on reading the final paper. You may remember about your essay the last minute, not devoting enough time to its editing and proofreading. However, this may play a bad joke with you, as your professor can significantly lower your grades if the essay has lots of mistakes and typos. Make sure you have at least a couple hours left to edit and proofread every sentence of the essay.

Following the accepted structure and avoiding all the most common mistakes will guarantee your outstanding performance.

A Good Outline Ofr A Persuasive Speech

Good Persuasive Essay Examples

Most of the students simply don’t know how to start a persuasive essay, as they lack writing skills or feel puzzled how to catch interest of the audience. Luckily, there are many resources, which offer you to familiarize with persuasive essay examples.

Downloading multiple samples and templates on a given topic will help you to understand the subject, to see how every section should be completed and to find new ideas for your own work!

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Persuasive Essay

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Persuasive Essay Examples

This is only a sample, to get your own paper you need to:

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Persuasive Essay Format

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Persuasive Essay Outline

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Persuasive Essay Samples

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Persuasive Essay Structure

Example of Persuasive Essay Format and Outline

If you want your persuasive essay to get the highest possible scores, you should not only pay attention to its key elements but also to the format and outline.

Persuasive essay format is different in every particular case, although it has some common aspects. First, you need to ask your teacher what formatting style to use. All of them have specific requirements, so you need to know how to format your essay in advance.

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If there are no specific requirements, you simply need to make your essay as clear and good-looking as possible. This can be achieved by using readable fonts. For example, Calibri or Times New Romans. Make your essay double-spaced and use a 12pt or 14pt size, which will make the paper look stylish and easy to read.

In addition, make sure you don’t use too many pictures, charts or graphs, which may distract the reader from the main goal of your essay.

Another important feature you can use is the outline. Your persuasive essay should have a clear plan, which will give you a chance to concentrate on the most important features of the work and put aside all the minor arguments.

Just make a plan of the things you want to discuss and adjust it according to your needs even in the middle of the process. Believe us, your professor will notice at once if you decide to write your essay, based on an outline. This may even contribute to the final scores you will get.

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In most of the cases students need to choose persuasive essay topics and this may greatly complicate the process. However, with our help you will surely have an idea of how to complete the task, choosing a winning topic.

These are only some of the persuasive essay ideas, which can give you a direction and help to decide what things to write about. Make sure the chosen topic reflects your own views, is relevant for the audience and meets all the requirements of your professor.

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A persuasive essay is one of the most common assignments regardless of the academic level. The paper gives you a perfect opportunity to demonstrate knowledge of the subject, vocabulary skills, critical thinking, and so much more. Persuasive speech can easily be considered as an art form or a skill you’ll have to use throughout your education and beyond. In order to write an outstanding paper, you just need the right approach and practical tools.

Scroll down to find out more.



A persuasive essay is defined as a type of an essay wherein a writer explains a topic and attempts to persuade a reader that his/her point of view is most informed, accurate, and valid perspective on the subject. Throughout the paper, a writer develops an argument, takes sides, and explains why a reader should adopt their opinion.

Persuasive writing utilizes logic and reason to demonstrate that one idea is more legitimate and superior than the other. Although the goal is to persuade a reader, a writer should not make baseless claims. Instead, the argument must always use sound reasoning and solid evidence.


How to write a Persuasive Essay?

How To Write An Outline For A Persuasive Speech

At the very beginning, you should take a few moments to think about the essay topic. Do you agree with it? Do you disagree? Form your opinion on a given subject. Teachers and professors want to get a closer insight into your critical thinking, so try to avoid thinking whether your professor would agree/disagree with it too. Use your own opinion to develop an argument, research, and compose a persuasive essay.

Persuasive essays often push the envelope and discuss controversial subjects. You don’t have to play it safe. It all comes down to the way you portray your argument and evidence you choose to persuade a reader to adopt some opinion.


How to Start a Persuasive Essay?

Persuasive speech requires a thorough preparation. Before the writing process can begin, you need to research the subject. In fact, research is the basis or foundation where you’ll build the essay. Why? That is the process when you get informed about the subject even though you probably think you know everything. Research yields evidence that a writer can use to back up all the claims.

Once the research process is over, it’s time to proceed to the outline. Without an outline, your mind is scattered, wanders from one idea to another and it shows in your writing style. Composing an outline allows you to organize the notes you’ve taken while researching, and it always generates a few additional ideas you can use.

Essay Topic Generator

Persuasive Speech Outline Free

Persuasive Essay Outline

Outline – the outline for persuasive essay consists of three major parts: introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. Each of these parts can be divided into subsections that keep you focused on your argument without risking wandering off the topic

Intro – the main purpose of the introduction is to catch reader’s attention and make them interested enough to continue reading. Ideally, the introduction should consist of three elements: the hook, defining the audience, and thesis statement. The hook is the very first sentence of your essay and its goal is to get someone’s attention. Your hook can be anything from a question to fun facts, quotes, and anecdotes.

Right after hook, you have to make the introduction relatable to the audience. A reader (or more of them) has to feel close to the subject. Why should they bother reading? Specify why the subject is important to them. The last sentence or two of the introduction accounts for the thesis statement. This is the part where you clearly state the subject you’re going to discuss and the argument you’ll make

Body Paragraphs – a specific number of paragraphs in this section isn’t defined. It all comes down to your argument and claims you make. Each paragraph in the body section should consist of a claim that supports the argument and evidence. One claim, one paragraph. Depending on the subject and word count, you can also address opposing views to show why they are wrong (with evidence, of course)

Conclusion – the last paragraph of the persuasive essay and equally important as other sections. The conclusion should consist of a short summary of the topic, benefits to the reader, and call-to-action. A short summary of the topic mentions key points you’ve made. The next sentence or two specifies why it’s important to take an action, potential solutions, and what could happen if nothing is done on the matter. To motivate a reader, finish off the essay with a simple call-to-action line or sentence.


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A Good Outline Ofr A Persuasive Speech

Persuasive Speech Outline Example


Persuasive Essay Format

  • Word count: 500, 1500, 2000 (depending on the professor/teacher)
  • Fonts: 12-point Times New Roman (other easy-to-read fonts can serve the purpose too: Arial, Georgia), 16-point for headline
  • Spacing: double-spaced preferably (1.5 can also work)
  • Alignment: justified
  • Structure based on outline:
    • Introduction
      • Hook
      • Define the audience
      • Thesis statement
    • Body paragraphs
      • Reason #1 – Supporting fact/evidence
      • Reason #2 – Supporting fact/evidence
      • Reason #3 – Supporting fact/evidence
    • Conclusion
      • Short summary of the topic
      • Benefits to the reader
      • Call-to-action


A Good Outline Ofr A Persuasive Speech

Persuasive Essay Topics

Good Persuasive Essay Topics

  • Studying martial arts is good for physical and psychological wellbeing
  • Community service should be required for teens
  • Journal writing is therapeutic
  • Security cameras are useless/keep us safer
  • It’s unethical to keep a bird in cage
  • Teachers should be tested like students
  • Students should be able to grade their teachers
  • Classes should be made different for both genders
  • Trump era brings the end of democracy to the entire world

College Persuasive Essay Topics

  • All college students should be required to participate in sports activities
  • Reality shows are exploiting people
  • Religion and science can go hand in hand
  • All-girl and all-boy colleges are good/bad
  • We should/not spend more money on space missions
  • Royal family should be abolished
  • Immigration laws should be stricter/more lenient
  • Should college athletes be paid for playing?
  • US society justifies surveillance
  • People should undergo IQ test in order to vote and have children
  • Media is ruled by politicians


Persuasive Essay examples

The problem with essay writing is that we can’t think of anything when we’re supposed to work on the assignment. In times like these, you just need that extra “push” or moment of inspiration that will generate tons of ideas you can use for your own paper. The best way to learn how to write a persuasive essay is to read an example of someone else’s work. Here’s an example of how a high-quality persuasive essay should look like.


Persuasive Essay Help

Essay Writing Service – before submitting an essay it is necessary to proofread and edit it first. Although most of us are inclined to edit and proofread content on our own that’s not the best idea. We can never be objective to our own work and always end up overlooking some mistakes. Edusson gathered a team of talented and skillful writers, editors and proofreaders who will ensure your paper is error-free. Editors correct spelling and grammar mistakes, punctuation, style and formatting mistakes, references, you name it

Essay Examples – although the persuasive writing structure is easy, one still needs motivation boost to kick-start the assignment. Edusson’s Essay Examples is an incredibly useful platform that allows you to search through the extensive database and read examples of persuasive writing. You’ll get inspired easily.


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Essay Topics Generator – sometimes teacher/professor assigns the topic, but in other instances, students have to choose on their own. There is no need to waste hours trying to come up with a good title. Just go to Edusson Magic Help, specify essay type and you’ll get tons of ideas instantly

Essay Checker – if you’d like to edit the paper on your own, there’s an easy way to avoid overlooking something – essay checker. With RobotDon you can easily enhance the quality of the essay. Improve your paper. Raise your grades! The platform analyzes paper for plagiarism, sentence structure, word use, readability, and other parameters. Within just a few seconds you can identify all the strengths and weaknesses of your essay. A great tool for every student!

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